About Me

Dave's Profile Picture

In 2005, I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering. I started off working as a PHP Web Developer and then few years later, briefly had a stint working in Computer Networks and Network Security. I soon got back into Web Development and then moved to London in late 2012 and have been a Web Developer since.

Most of my work usually centers around the LAMP architecture, but also adapts based on client requirements. I have also deployed systems using PHP on IIS and using SQLServer instead of MySQL. I specialise using Procedural PHP, but have also delved into personal projects using Laravel and OOP and quite proficient in the use of JQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.

There is a lot of new tech coming out in the Development world, so I have spent the better part of 2020 acquainting myself with the new scripting world and am currently focussed on working with React and NodeJS/Express.

Click here to see some of my recent projects.